Prova de Inglês

Componentes: Felipe Paim, Pedro, Tales, Elieser,Ana Talita Santos Rijkers, Leticia, Mateus Araujo, Raul & Geovane Gallo
Professora: Maria
8º B, 9º ANO !
DATA: 17 / 11 / 2010

1) Read the text and circle the correct alternative.

micky: has the soccer
practice started?
Amy: it's 6:32. Maybe
they've ¹started
Mick: No, look the team han't arrived²
Josh: Surprise! Happy birthday, Mick!
Mick: What's happening?
Amy: We haven't forgotten youir birthday,
Mick! Look
Micky: Is this a party... for me?
Josh: Yes it is! we've³just organized the room. we finisheda minuteago! we're going to have a costume party!
Mick: But... I've£just arrived, and I don't have a costume!
Josh: Don't worry. We've already thought of that. Last week we bought a funny wig for you, Mick !
Mick: Really? This wig is horrible, but I'm very happy. thank you!

2) Choose the alternative whuch completes the sentences below:

2.1) I have lived herer SINCE 2001.
2.2) Dennis has had that car SINCE September.
2.3) Alive and maggie have known Harry FOR a long time.
2.4) Steve and jane have been married FOR six months.
2.5) Nick has been a lighting designer FOR many years.

3)choose the correct form of present perfect tense.

3.1) have chosen a costume
3.2) She has not given us any money
3.3) You have seen this movie
3.4) We have bought a new CD
3.5) Alice has cleaned her house
3.6) They have arrived from london
3.7) My friend has visited a museum
3.8) I have not listened to the radio
3.9) have you ever been is los ANgeles?
3.10)has Paul already had his lunch?

4) Choose the alternative which all sentences are corrects. According to example use already, just or yet.

4.1) "there's glass on the floor!" "I'm Sorry
I have Just Dropped
4.2)"It's 8:15 The movie has already Started"
4.3)"do you want to come to my house?"
"I have not finished my homework yet."

→I - I have Just Dropped - The movie has already Started - I have not finished my homework yet.
II - I have Already dropped - the movie has just started - I have just not finished my homework.
III - I has Just dropped - The movie have just started - I has not finished my homework yet.


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